+91-9873739352 / sales@reputation.in

Remove Negative Content from Google/Internet

What is Negative Links from Google?

Negative link is created by a person on review sites using his/her name and password. It is intended to harm the reputation of a reputed person or a well-established person. Though it is almost impossible to remove, some damage-control exercise can be done by pushing it in underneath pages.

How can A Negative Link Affect you?

If you are successful or your company has become very famous, the chances are that it will make some people envious. They may start taking a potshot on you by creating negative link on the review site. As Google gives high preference to any negative posting, it gets prominently surfaced just after being posted. Thus, even a slightly negative content can sink a company or soil the image of a person irretrievably.

"The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests."- Epictetus

What We Will do for You?

  • Replace negative links by posting positive links.
  • Suppress negative information from the prime pages of Google or other search engines by posting several positive information.
  • Get top-rated reputation management strategies.
  • Have standard press release, article and positive reviews.