+91-9873739352 / sales@reputation.in

Negative Reviews & Comments Removal

What is Negative Reviews & Comments?

Negative Reviews and Comments are those that are posted on the review sites to malign the reputation of an individual/company. Though, these reviews prove to be lethal for the greater good of an establishment, those who post these, do just to satisfy their vanity.

"Never make negative comments or spread rumors about anyone. It depreciates their reputation and yours."- Brian Koslow

How can Negative Reviews and Comments Affect you?

If you are an entrepreneur or a public figure, any negative reviews or comments posted against you, may cost your reputation dearly. You may get marginalised owing to the negative reviews and comments posted against them on the websites, such as Yelp Inc. Your influx of clients will come down drastically, if you have any single negative review posted against you.

What will we do for you?

  • Bury negative reviews with the positive ones.
  • Suppression of bad reviews on business review sites, including Yelp by posting positive reviews of the satisfied customers.
  • Boost the search engine rankings of your organisation by doing positive posting.
  • Suppression any bad comments at its nascent stage by posting multiple positive comments for single bad comment.

We, at reputation.in, sincerely believe that all those who love their self-respect has all the right to rebuff what is posted against you online. Opt for this company and throw all your reputation woes to the wind.